
Ubuntu Podcast
Ubuntu Podcast

A weekly family-friendly audio magazine for the Ubuntu community


Package maintainer for (mostly) MATE Desktop in Debian and Ubuntu

Installing Willie IRC Bot on Debian
Installing Willie IRC Bot on Debian

How I Installed Willie IRC Bot on Debian Wheezy

ZNC IRC proxy
ZNC IRC proxy

How I install the ZNC IRC bouncer on Debian Wheezy

Monitorix on Debian
Monitorix on Debian

Setting up Monitorix on Debian Squeeze & Wheezy

subSonic on Debian
subSonic on Debian

Setting up subSonic music streaming on Debian

Headless cloudprint server on Debian for MFC-7360N
Headless cloudprint server on Debian for MFC-7360N

Create a headless Cloudprint server on Debian for MFC-7360N

Humax Foxsat HDR Custom Firmware
Humax Foxsat HDR Custom Firmware

Hard disk upgrades and custom firmware on the Humx Foxsat HDR

Integrating Dropbox photo syncing with Open Media Vault and Plex
Integrating Dropbox photo syncing with Open Media Vault and Plex

Integrating Dropbox on a headless Open Media Vault server.